Here is a 12AU7A by Sylvania. It was previously inventoried in an old electronic store as new but i am advertising it as used. In a basic functionality test, my calibrated Heathkit TC-2, shows the tube as very strong, reasonably balanced readings between the tests. This tube has a halo getter. The silkscreen ink is mostly flaked off and unreadable. These items are vintage and are listed to the best of my ability. If you find one that fails within 30 days from the sale, or if you simply changed you mind for any reason, I will give a refund and pay for return shipping. Money back guarantee. 👍 Free USA shipping 👍 History: A locally-owned electronic repair business closed in the early 1990s. A local genius built and repaired tube amplifiers, ham radios, stereo equipment and other electronic gadgets throughout his lifetime. He passed away shortly after closing the shop. I bought the remaining contents and inventory from a relative who needed the stores warehouse area cleaned out. I have been trying to sort tens of thousands of gadgets, dusty boxes of parts, junk, vintage electric surplus and new-old stock parts. I list these items as I get time.